7 Things to Think About Before Your Next Technology Upgrade

Two male IT workers discussing details of new technology, while installing equipment in a server room

Do you have the hardware and network capacity needed to support the new software you intend to implement? How much time will you need to “clean” your current data before the implementation begins? Who are the internal people in place to participate in the upgrade? Do these people have the time to participate in the […]

2 Ways That Generations can Express Appreciation for One Another

1 Way the Elder Generation can Express Appreciation to Their Younger Family Members in the Family Business I know that you passed up other professional opportunities to join our family’s business. I’m really glad you’re here.  And I’m looking forward to what we all create together.   1 Way the Younger Generation can Express Appreciation […]

3 Questions That Family Members Can Ask When Things Get Tense

When was the last time we all had fun together? How might I express my appreciation today, to someone for something positive they did or said? What rituals can we bring into the family business to celebrate our togetherness and our successes?

5 Steps to Handle Mistakes Made by Family Members in the Business

Tell them you love them. Calmly and with true curiosity, ask them to walk you through their thinking at the time they made the mistake. In a coaching tone of voice, ask them what they would do differently to handle this same situation in the future. Ask them what they will do to correct the […]