
We Increase Business Value and Improve Relationships

Here's How We Could Work with You

Employment Challenges

If there is ambiguity about whether a family-member would be invited to join the business:

Job Role Ambiguity

When there is confusion about who is responsible, who is accountable, who needs to be consulted, and who needs to just be informed with regard to the work:

Inter-generational Misunderstandings

When there are misunderstandings and disappointments between generations and between levels of family-member employees:

Job Performance

When a family member is not performing or behaving as was envisioned:

Differences of Opinion on Strategic Direction

When family business leaders have multiple opportunities to move forward, and they disagree about the company’s strategic direction:

Emergency and Proactive Succession Planning

If the owner or majority shareholder is suddenly unable to fulfill their designated role within the family business, critical decisions/actions could be delayed, and then there could be significant confusion about who has the ability and desire to assume that role going forward.

Employment Challenges

If there is ambiguity about whether a family-member would be invited to join the business, Paula can:

Job Role Ambiguity

When there is confusion about who is responsible, who is accountable, who needs to be consulted, and who needs to just be informed with regard to the work, Paula can:

Inter-generational Misunderstandings

When there are misunderstandings and disappointments between generations and between levels of family-member employees, Paula can:

Job Performance

When a family member is not performing or behaving as was envisioned, Paula can:

Differences of Opinion on Strategic Direction

When family business leaders have multiple opportunities to move forward, and they disagree about the company’s strategic direction, Paula can:

Emergency and Proactive Succession Planning

If the owner or majority shareholder is suddenly unable to fulfill their designated role within the family business, critical decisions/actions could be delayed, and then there could be significant confusion about who has the ability and desire to assume that role going forward. Paula can: